Raise Your Visibility
An artist’s real competition is not the artists down the street but indifference. Unlike a 24 hour coupon for a free haircut, a final cancellation notice for cable, or only a few hours to get a 30 day free test-drive of a new application, art requires a personal context in order to be useful. In other words, no one has to do anything when they get an email or postcard invitation to an exhibition, music recital, or new play reading.
In art you can go in and out of view at various moments depending on the levels of indifference, even when using a tactic which brought great success a week earlier. The more networks and platforms you can utilize and the more time and resources you can dedicate to preparation, maintenance and analysis, the more impact you can expect from attempts to reach a higher level of visibility.
An artist always needs to give people a really powerful and engaging reason to listen and only then will their visibility, sales and clients grow. Do it in a manner unique to the artist and how they work, and it will remain relevant and vital for years.