At a Glance
Artist in the Room provides professional visual and performing artists with a variety of affordable methods and strategies to ramp-up and super charge their creative ambitions and practices. We are a feature rich and tech-savvy agency that designs and implements cost-effective solutions for generating value in as easy, interesting and successful a way as possible. We provide artists with ways to reach out, connect, influence and grow their markets, customers, revenues, and creative and critical opportunities.
Regardless if an artist works alone and is the sole entrepreneur and CEO of their business, or is embedded with a diverse group of other artists and arts professionals, Artist in the Room helps artists and arts organizations take in extra oxygen to burn more fuel, do more work, and increase the power and worth of all kinds of artistic undertakings.
Artists and collaborative groups of artists come to us seeking a way to jump-start a marketplace solution to better secure and advance the creative career and returns they expect. Most often the challenges to even the most complete artist has nothing to do with the work itself but the as-is financial, personal, technic and contemporary threats which need to be factored in to achieve real success.
Whether an artist is exploring work already a part of their inventory, in the midst of creating a new interest, or desirous of innovation and experiment we find solutions using the same qualities that guide the artist in their own commitment to excellence: skill, experience, originality and presence.
At Artist in the Room we understand how to identify and respect limits and we believe knowing one's limits actually sets an artist free. Regardless of whether we work on-site or remotely with an artist or collaborative group of artists we help plan, organize and direct all or as much of the daily business as helpful to achieve our agreed upon business plan.
Possible is everything
Artist in the Room's wide range of operational, production, service and entrepreneurial stratagems gives artists and creatives the ability to set realistic expectations, procedures, and responsive systems tailored to their particular limits, needs and realities. As we like to say: Possible is everything.
We bring proven ways to strengthen the effectiveness of new, existing or revised plans, schedules, and budgets. We know how to strategically implement and promote value-added experiences for audiences and customers which are authentic to you and your work. When you work with us everything is possible, until it's not.
When there is an artist in the room there is no end to the amount of new, more compelling ideas or directions being proposed, created, pursued, and transformed. Our goal is to help artists and arts-driven organizations redefine and implement the actual side of their desires and turn down the chatter. With sensible plans, tested initiatives, solid and equally flexible organizational scaffolding, we keep things flowing, light, on-track and stress free.
We believe that an energized and successful implementation of any artistic undertaking begins by recognizing and understanding the important distinctions between meaning, value, and ambition.
#1 Meaning
When everything feels like it is moving up to the next level artists and arts organizations must remember that it is the work and the work alone that makes this possible. The immediacy, unity and impact of the work is what gives the work that strong, material pulse everyone feels; an excitement for what happens next; and a thrill that something is about to blossom. The artist, their collaborators or organization, has achieved something that will have worth for a long time. It has purpose and meaning. It should be grasped close and secured. Unfortunately, none of that gives it value.
#2 Value
An artistic occurrence or idea comes before there is a known demand for it, its value is a consequence; and for artistic undertakings it is a consequence of engagement with a public, private or critical marketplace, and the value-added reactions that ensue.
The credibility of a creative endeavor is based in the specific work itself; its authenticity tied to its uniqueness. Value, on the other hand is determined by the reverse: a common acceptance of broad, all-purpose measurements, comparisons and testable results.
Artists need to raise their expectations for what they want to generate when they decide to engage with public or private markets. It is serious work and just like the creative effort needed to make the work matter no one can take care of an artist's business better than than the artist themself. And no one can talk an artist into leaping forward and exploring the limits of their creative ambitions unless they are fully committed to it from the start.
#3 Ambition
Creative ambition cannot be limited to just what an artist creates. It has to include what the artist yearns, aspires, and seeks to generate from the work after it is born. The subsequent job of creating value for art requires a regiment of smart thinking, careful gestures, and skilled and informed decisions that only arrive when ambition is part of the mix. Creative ambition gets an artist out ahead and helps them turn limits into actual gains.